Posts Tagged ‘unemployment’

December 2010. One Year Later.

December 17, 2010


It’s officially been a year since my adventures as Zippy the Elf.  I thought it was about time I updated the world as to how things eventually worked out.

I’m employed!  And have been since February 1, 2010!  Just as I predicted, if I was able to survive December 09’ I’d be able to look forward to a bright new year.  And boy, did I ever…

As soon as I wrapped up my Elf days and took on the New Year, I dived straight into interview after interview until I received an official job offer on January 28th.  I was shaking.  I went by myself to the Mexican restaurant across the street from my apartment and ordered the biggest margarita I could. For the past 10 months I have been employed by a fabulous network where the motto is “Live Out Loud.”  I’m proud. I’m thankful. I’m happy.

I was unemployed for 8 long months filled with uncertainty and doubt.  Looking back I think the thing that I am most bitter about is that I really lost myself in there.  For 8 months I was crippled with despair, heartbreak, and grew far too familiar with rejection.  You never think it’s going to happen to you and then it does.  Out of nowhere your world is completely rocked.  I let unemployment control me. I let it define me.  Until I had the genius idea of dancing around as an elf the 12th month of the year to get my mind off things.  And it helped.

I needed Zippy.  She had a blast.  She’d dance to Christmas songs standing atop huge wrapped gifts on display, direct people through the build-a-bear-forest, chit-chat about reindeer games with her fellow elves, pose for hundreds, possibly thousands of pictures with complete strangers, have babies thrust in her arms, have heart-to-hearts with Santa, eat dozens of cookies backstage when she had a moment off, take pictures of families with the big guy, and really, really found a way to soak up the Christmas spirit.  Unemployment definitely affected me negatively.  But it wasn’t going to take Christmas away from me!

Get your mind off being unemployed.  You are your own worst enemy and your own mind can and will drive you insane. Do something that makes you feel like YOU. If you aren’t able to dress up like Christmas threw up all over you and act like a crazy nut at Macy’s, take a class, volunteer, become a gym addict, get away for a few weeks. Just get out there and remember that you are sooooo much more than unemployment. Don’t let it define you.  Don’t lose yourself.

So yeah…

There IS a light at the end of the tunnel and it’s SO BRIGHT! It’s blinding!  Just breathe. People used to tell me this and I’d tell them to F off.  You don’t want to hear it because it seems unfathomable to think you’ll ever make it out alive. You just…you gotta know that everything is going to be all right.

Stop by Santaland on 34th.  Tell St. Nick you want a job. (Tons of people did – including myself)
Fall down 7 times, get up 8.


This too shall pass.




PS:  I’ve received a bunch of really sweet emails and would love to continue to hear from you – especially if you are looking for advice, or have suggestions on other things I can write about!  Keep your head up!

NAUGHTY OR NICE: Checklist for the Unemployed!

December 17, 2009

Don’t wind up on the naughty list!  Here’s some tips to keep you in check during your (temporary!) unemployment!

  • NICE: Exercise!  It frees your mind and does wonders for your emotional well-being (and physical!)
  • NAUGHTY: Winding up in financial trouble due to careless budgeting
  • NICE: Spend time reading about your industry and keeping in the know about current happenings
  • NICE: Have a daily routine.  Looking for a job should be treated as one, and a routine helps keep you focused and on task
  • NAUGHTY: Surrounding yourself with negative or miserable people.  It only makes you feel worse!  Stay away
  • NICE: Perfect your resume and have people look at it!  Have different versions available which highlight specific credentials
  • NAUGHTY: Ostracizing yourself from others
  • NICE: Have a list of contacts to regularly check-in with and keep in touch with!
  • NAUGHTY: Not keeping in touch with your former contacts or following up to potential interview opportunities
  • NICE: Have a list of websites with job board postings that you check daily
  • NAUGHTY: Sleeping super late and not moving out of your bed/off the couch all day
  • NICE: Go for long walks!  Fresh air is vital, as is stepping out of your apartment
  • NAUGHTY: Not showering!
  • NICE: Keep on top of your unemployment benefits and learn how to budget efficiently
  • NICE: Meeting up with other people in your situation.  Your great friends will sympathize, but having someone to empathize with makes a huge and helpful difference.
  • NICE: Listen to fun, uplifting music!  I suggest Hanson’s Christmas Album circa 1997!
  • NAUGHTY: Expecting things to happen for you
  • NICE: Visiting Zippy in Santaland to brighten your spirits 🙂


Yes, Virginia, There is A Santa Claus

December 12, 2009

While there’s certainly a lot to chronicle about my adventures as a Macy’s Elf this season, one aspect I have not touched upon thus far is their incredible ad campaign.   If you know me personally, you are well aware of my love for “BELIEVE” – it’s been my favorite word for a long time, and obviously something I’ve repeated to myself during my unemployment.  Needless to say, it’s enlightening to work for a company who’s entire holiday motto is BELIEVE.  I am hit with the brilliant word 20 different ways from 20 different directions on my way into work each morning! Talk about good vibes!

Outside Macy's on 34th Street

Another part continuous with their believe campaign is its incorporation of the classic 1897 editorial from the New York Sun, which includes the infamous reply,  “Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus.”

Read this and I dare you not to smile!

Virginia's original letter to the editor!

Macy’s has incorporated the magic of Virginia into their ad campaign and has partnered with the Make A Wish Foundation.   Everyone is encouraged to drop off a letter to Santa, and for each letter received Macy’s will donate $1 – with the mission to collect a million reason’s to believe!

Macy's Believe O' Meter!

I have a lot to say about Santa himself, but I’ll save that for another post dedicated solely to the man in red!

For now, I encourage you tune into a new animated special on CBS, “Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus” presented by Macy’s.  It’s on tonight, Friday the 11th @ 8:00pm!  Here’s a peak at the trailer..

Happy weekend!


The best way to spread Christmas Cheer…

November 28, 2009

Welcome to The Chronicles of Zippy The Elf!  My guide to surviving the holiday season while unemployed!

With the unemployment rate in double digits, it’s a safe bet that you found my blog because you:

a.)    Are unemployed

b.)    Were once unemployed

c.)     Have a close family member or friend currently facing the same predicament

As an unemployed twenty-something, I foresaw the holiday season, (more specifically: December in NYC) as a completely wretched time to be a part of the 10.2%. A few weeks ago I craved for the 12th month to pass over quickly, as if it never happened, rather than be smacked in the face with holiday cheer each direction I attempted to move.

A very long story short, I ultimately realized that the only possible way to survive the holidays while undergoing something so personally debilitating, is tackle it full on.  Dive head first into eggnog, dance with nutcrackers, and pass through the seven layers of the Candy Cane Forest.  In other words…become a Macy’s Elf in Santaland.

My mission is to offer seasonal support by means of my seasonal adventure!  In addition to bringing you random musings as I chronicle life as an Elf, I hope to offer advice on how to keep your spirits bright this holiday season:

  • Share great articles offering advice and insight to keep you inspired during your job search
  • Interview people falling in the 10.2% and find their tips for how to survive December
  • Offer seasonal Things To Do! Attractions to visit, cookies to bake, and movies to watch!  Holiday survival – on  the   cheap!
  • Present options to keep you positive, keep your spirits lifted, and keep your mind in the present
  • Offer your family and friends advice on how to be of support during this time

Tomorrow marks my first official day as an Elf!  So excited to begin this adventure!  I hope you follow along for the ride.

Let your attitude be gratitude, have a little faith, and just believe*
