Posts Tagged ‘believe-o-meter’

Yes, Virginia, There is A Santa Claus

December 12, 2009

While there’s certainly a lot to chronicle about my adventures as a Macy’s Elf this season, one aspect I have not touched upon thus far is their incredible ad campaign.   If you know me personally, you are well aware of my love for “BELIEVE” – it’s been my favorite word for a long time, and obviously something I’ve repeated to myself during my unemployment.  Needless to say, it’s enlightening to work for a company who’s entire holiday motto is BELIEVE.  I am hit with the brilliant word 20 different ways from 20 different directions on my way into work each morning! Talk about good vibes!

Outside Macy's on 34th Street

Another part continuous with their believe campaign is its incorporation of the classic 1897 editorial from the New York Sun, which includes the infamous reply,  “Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus.”

Read this and I dare you not to smile!

Virginia's original letter to the editor!

Macy’s has incorporated the magic of Virginia into their ad campaign and has partnered with the Make A Wish Foundation.   Everyone is encouraged to drop off a letter to Santa, and for each letter received Macy’s will donate $1 – with the mission to collect a million reason’s to believe!

Macy's Believe O' Meter!

I have a lot to say about Santa himself, but I’ll save that for another post dedicated solely to the man in red!

For now, I encourage you tune into a new animated special on CBS, “Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus” presented by Macy’s.  It’s on tonight, Friday the 11th @ 8:00pm!  Here’s a peak at the trailer..

Happy weekend!
